CPU Medical was created in November 2022 by the security business expert Krisztian Korom, head of CPU-Global. The maingoal is to offer the most advanced and professional tactical medical training programs forsecurity firms, security agencies, police, military and highly qualified individuals across theworld, from Europe to Asia, to North America. CPU Medical instructors are all combatexperienced and highly qualified specialists from military and security agencies from Europeand North America, combat medics, paramedics and emergency medical technicians alltaking part of the project. From BLS, TCCC, TECC, TFA, EMT to the very own created,CPU tactical medical program CPO-TFA (Close Protection Operative Tactical First Aidprovider), this specific program is designed to those working as CPO’s and it explores andteaches way beyond the usual, we prepare operatives to be able to provide the necessary carein case of a heart attack, allergy reaction, fractures or even massive bleeding.Based in London – United Kingdom, CPU Medical provides training services in differentcountries such as Poland, Spain, Korea, Colombia, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos,Canada and Africa.For the near future, there will be more training programs to offer. In the 2024 expandingplans, we already started to work on Medical Drone Operator training program and TacticalDiver and Rescue training program. Also, there will be 3 new accreditations from the mostimportant international medical committees and associations towards CPU Medical.Our strategic partner in trainings and work is the Forward Defense StrategiesGroup, which is an expert in the world of tactical and combat medicine.